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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: M89 hadron physics.cmap, M_89 HADRON PHYSICS 2. p-Adic fractality. a) p-Adically scaled variants of elementary particles with mass squared coming as obtaves of basic mass are in principle possible: a least least as virtual particles and this suggests that coupling constant evolution is discretized to p-adic length scales coming as powers of two. b) The p-adic primes assign- able to elementary partic- les might be winners in natural selection occurring at the level of elementary particle physics. c) There is some evidence that neutrinos can appear in several p-adic length scales/ with mass squared related by power of two., M_89 HADRON PHYSICS 5. TGD explanation for RHIC and LCH findfings relies on M_89 hadron physics. a) Blobs of M_89 hadron matter is created in the high energy collisions as the cm energy of colliding protons is considerably than .5 TeV defining the mass scale of M_89 proton. This phase then decays to ordinary hadrons. b) Since the phase corre- sponds to low energy M_89 hadron physics, the descrip- tion in terms of hadrons is expected to be appropriate and the descriptions of hadrons as string like ob- jects is very natural as in ordinary low energy hadron physics too. c) The decay of string like objects indeed predicts that hadronic jets should be ac- companied with high proba- bility with jets in opposite direction., M_89 HADRON PHYSICS 1. p-Adic length scale hypothe- sis motivated by p-adic mass calculations. a) Physically important p-adic primes seem to correspond to primes p as near as but smaler than powers of two. p-ADic mass scale is proportional to sqrt(p). b) Mersenne primes M_n=2^-1 seem to charactize fundamental physical length scales, assignab- le to charged leptons, hardons/ gluons, and weak bosons. c) For instance, electron corre- sponds to M_127, the largets Mersenne prime which does not correspond to super-astronomi- cal p-adic length scale. M_107 corresponds to tau lepton and hadrons. M_89 corresponds to weak bosons. d) Also Gaussian primes (1+i)n-1 associated with com- plex integers seem to be impor- tant. Muon corresponds to M_(G,n), n= 113. e) Quarks correspond to primes which need not be Mersenne primes. f) In biologically important length scale range 10 nm-2.5 μm there are as many as four Gaussian Mersennes! Corresponding to n=151,157,163,167., M_89 HADRON PHYSICS 4. Evidence for M_89 hadron physics exists. a) Heavy ion collisions at RHIC were ex- pected to demonstrate the generation of quark gluon plasma as sufficiently dense quark gluon soup is created. The basic prediction of perturbative QCD was that the distributions of quarks and gluons thermalize and this black body spectrum reflects itself in the hadronization of par- tons: the momentum directions of produ- ced hadrons should not correlate. b) It was found that this is not the case. The resulting phase behaves more like a liquid with very low viscosity to entropy ratio. There are strong correlations bet- ween momentum directions of produced hadronic jets. There is high probably that a jet is companied by a jet in opposite di- rection. c) Similar observations were made later at RHIC even for collisions of protons with heavy nuclei which suggests that peculiar phase might be created even in proton- proton collisions. This also forces to ques- tion the assumption that the characte- ristic length scale is that assignable with energy .4 GeV (proton mass is about 1 GeV). It might be muchshorter. d) Also the assumption that perturbative QCD describes high energy hadron phy- sics (asymptotic freedom) must be ques- tioned. e) The notion of color glass has been pro- posed in attempts to explain the findings but it is not anymore pure perturbative QCD. Also AdS/CFT correspondence has been proposed as explanation. The problem is that this description should work be appropriate when the situation is non-perturbative. Now it should be perturbative!, M_89 HADRON PHYSICS 3. p-Adic length scale hypothe- sis "almost" predicts scaled copies of hadron physics and weak physics. a) M_89 hadron physics at LHC mass scale 512 times higher than ordinary baryo- nic mass scale of about 1 GeV (or pion mass scale of .14 GeV) b) copies of hadron and weak physics in biologically interesting length scale ran- ge 10 nm-2.5 μm containing four Gaussian Mersennes. c) leptohadron physics at p-adic length scales assign- able to leptons and their colored excitations. For lepto- hadron physics evidence exist.